Miss Jyve’s birth story (2): Pre-Labour & Hypnobirthing

40 weeks + 3, WednesdayContractions still going, received a message from my doula (E) first thing AM: E: How are you feeling today, are the contractions increasing in frequency/intensity? L: Yea... erm... maybe...? I'm not sure... At this point I may be making it all up in my head. She decides to come by to check … Continue reading Miss Jyve’s birth story (2): Pre-Labour & Hypnobirthing

Miss Jyve’s birth story (1) – The Sweep of Non-Consent

I've wanted to write this post for months now, but each time I've picked the laptop up, Miss Jyve stirs; and I am now typing this out while breastfeeding her on the other arm - talk about Multi-tasking Mom Power! So 40 weeks came and went, and we were still waiting on Miss Jyve's arrival. I knew that it … Continue reading Miss Jyve’s birth story (1) – The Sweep of Non-Consent