Miss Jyve’s birth story (3) – The ‘Real’ Labour

40 weeks + 4, Thursday 2 am:I am awoken by a huge contraction and roll off the couch (we'd both fallen asleep) wordlessly for fear of waking the husband and alarming him before it's Really necessary. I try to get back on but the force of the contraction overwhelms me and I decide to stay … Continue reading Miss Jyve’s birth story (3) – The ‘Real’ Labour

Miss Jyve’s birth story (2): Pre-Labour & Hypnobirthing

40 weeks + 3, WednesdayContractions still going, received a message from my doula (E) first thing AM: E: How are you feeling today, are the contractions increasing in frequency/intensity? L: Yea... erm... maybe...? I'm not sure... At this point I may be making it all up in my head. She decides to come by to check … Continue reading Miss Jyve’s birth story (2): Pre-Labour & Hypnobirthing

Miss Jyve’s birth story (1) – The Sweep of Non-Consent

I've wanted to write this post for months now, but each time I've picked the laptop up, Miss Jyve stirs; and I am now typing this out while breastfeeding her on the other arm - talk about Multi-tasking Mom Power! So 40 weeks came and went, and we were still waiting on Miss Jyve's arrival. I knew that it … Continue reading Miss Jyve’s birth story (1) – The Sweep of Non-Consent

my birth plan

The first time I'd ever heard about a birth plan, I was quite surprised. I'd thought that preggies just rock up to the hospital screaming bloody murder, the medical team would take care of the rest, and then deliver the baby into your waiting arms. Thinking back now, I would like to say a big HA HA … Continue reading my birth plan